Why DEBT BOX Nodes Are The Best  Nodes For Passive Income

DEBT Box passive income nodes

I was introduced to DEBT BOX  3 months ago (August 2022) by a friend of mine, and in my opinion, DEBT BOX offers you the best nodes for passive income right now in 2022, and I believe that this is going to explode even more in 2023 and beyond.

What exactly makes the nodes that DEBT BOX offers the best nodes for passive income?

Well, first of all what is the DEBT? D.E.B.T stands for Decentralized Eco-Friendly Blockchain Technology

DEBT offers you the opportunity to purchase node licenses for various commodities backed projects. Once you become a node license holder and your node becomes activated, as your node participates in the blockchain it also earns rewards in the form of  tokens for the particular project you hold a license for.

DEBT box is where crypto meets commodities, this means that all the tokens you earn as a license holder for a given project - those tokens are actually backed by real world commodities projects, unlike other crypto currencies that are not backed by anything.

For example I own an ALUM node license (as well as a couple others). As my node participates in the blockchain, it is also mining ALUM tokens for me. These tokens are backed by real projects linked to the physical production and sale of ALUMINUM.

The ALUM token is already listed on exchanges like, Pancake Swap, and Trust, this means you can swap your tokens for other crypto currencies and essentially liquidate it for cash if you want or you can hold them for the long term for the potential upside as they increase in value..

debt box tokenomics

The real beauty however is the DEBT tokenomics, and in my opinion, the tokenomics is what makes DEBT nodes the best nodes for passive income.

Halving is done once a year to reduce the amount of supply of the tokens. Some of the money made from the production and sale of Aluminum for example, is also used to buy some of these tokens off the market - which are then burned to further reduce the supply. This in essence creates deflation and therefore helps the tokens to maintain and even increase in value.

The Video below goes into greater detail and is a must watch!

You can also purchase node licenses for other projects such as:

debt box node projects

Black Gold (BGLD) - The token mined as a node license holder for this project is backed by the production and sale of crude oil

GROW - Grow tokens are backed by high yielding agriculture projects

Natural Gas (NATG) - NATG tokens are backed by the production and sale of natural gas

Explore (XPLR) - XPLR tokens are backed by technology and services to commodity suppliers around the world using remote sensing and satellite imagery.

How to get the best nodes for passive income at a discounted price.

If you were to purchase a node license directly from DEBT, you would be paying retail price, which is very expensive. However, through IX Global, who have exclusive rights to purchase licenses in bulk from DEBT and therefore get preferential pricing, you can get the licenses at a much cheaper rate - essentially buying them at wholesale price.

Once you become a member of IX Global, you will have access to purchase DEBT Box node licenses for all the various commodity backed crypto projects, and you’ll be earning passive income as your node mines these tokens for you.

If you are interested in purchasing DEBT BOX node licenses and start earning passive income through this opportunity, send me a message through the contact form on the ‘Contact Me’ page expressing your interest in purchasing a DEBT Box node license. Once I receive your message, I will reach out to you and work with you to get you started with becoming a member of IX Global, as well as walk you through how to get the node licenses.

Hear directly from the owner of DEBT on how the whole ecosystem works - must watch!

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